
What is MoKanVintnerDepot.com?

MoKanVintnerDepot.com provides a very simple-to-use commerce platform for winemakers and grape growers in Kansas, Missouri and the rest of the Midwest to come together to buy and sell equipment, wine grapes and bulk wine.  There is no charge for an individual to post those specific tangible item(s) he / she is looking to buy or sell.

Site Tips:

  • Left clicking on the purple MoKan icon returns you to the web site home page.
  • Be sure you include your contact information (name / phone number / email address) in the listing description so that site users can reach you!
  • You do have the ability to upload images of the item(s) you are offering for sale (denoted by the “image” icon) – please see posting video clip for an example on how to use.
  • Once you’ve bought or sold or your post is not longer active, please let Tom know at tholland@havenpointewinery.com and let him know.
  • Tom will make a best effort at deleting non-discussion / non-services topics after 90 days unless you tell him to extend it. 

How Does The Site Support Itself?

It doesn’t!  So just use it and spread the word!!!